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That’s what we’re about

Hey there, thanks for popping in, and welcome to “It’s a SUGGESTION”! Yes, we are as pun-tastic as our name implies. Our goal is to offer you a plethora of suggestions ranging from articles, short courses, book excerpts, or research resources, all geared towards giving you a boost in your entrepreneurial journey. We’re not claiming to be the jack-of-all-trades experts here, but we’ve got some pretty nifty research experience and resources that might be just what you need. Who knows, with our help, you could be the next big thing. So stick around and see what we can suggest for you!
Business Books

“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.”

― Guy Kawasaki

Courses & Tutorials

We would also suggest tutorials, courses, and expert mentorship, to guide you in becoming a successful entrepreneur. From creating a business plan to marketing strategies and financial management, to cover all aspects of running and growing a successful venture.

Topical Books

We suggest great reading material to cover important topics such as how to grow your business, how to grow as an individual, and what steps you can take to improve your life in both of these areas. In some cases we have created condensed versions of these books, so you can get the most out of them in a shorter amount of time. 


As a budding entrepreneur, you can find a wealth of valuable information online to help guide you on your path to success. From starting a business to marketing strategies and financial management, expert-written articles offer insights and suggestions based on years of experience. Reading and researching these articles can save you time and potential missteps and help you reach your goals faster.

Tips & Tricks

We suggest some time-saving and cost-effective products/services in the market, from new tech to innovative solutions. Boost your productivity and finances. Also, explore tips and tricks to improve daily life and workflow, save money and achieve your goals with ease.

Zero to One

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Every great business begins in the same place; nowhere. There is never anything more than a sketch of an idea, a vision for what might be. In this sense, successful entrepreneurs are artists. They have to imagine something before it exists. In fact, the act of creation is the single defining characteristic that sets human beings apart from other species. The book “Zero to One” is a thought-provoking work that delves into the nature of

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What if it’s a bad logo design

Getting it right! Common mistakes to avoid when designing a logo: Avoid Copying or Plagiarizing: Creating a logo that closely resembles or outright copies another brand’s logo can lead to legal issues and damage your brand’s reputation. Ensure your logo is original and unique. Steer Clear of Vague and Complex Designs: A logo that is overly intricate or lacks clarity can confuse customers and fail to leave a lasting impression. Keep the design simple, memorable,

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